Welcome to Why U

Zhang3讨论 | 贡献2022年4月7日 (四) 08:55的版本 (Zhang3移动页面Welcome to WhyUWelcome to Why U,不留重定向)
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Welcome to WhyU


Why U animated videos are designed for mathematics courses on the K-12 and college levels, and as a resource for informal independent study. Rather than focusing on problem solving, the objective is to give insight into the concepts on which the rules of mathematics are based.

Why U creators are currently working on the series of animated lectures entitled "Algebra". This series examines the concepts on which Algebra, as well as higher mathematics, is based. The goal of these lectures is to explore these fundamental concepts in greater depth than possible in most high-school and college-level algebra courses.

Why U videos are conceived and written by Steve Goldman and animated by Mark Rodriguez. Why U is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization funded by the Goldman Charitable Foundation.